Our Vision

Franklin Academy will educate all students in a respectful, responsible, cooperative, and safe environment. We will provide our students with the necessary skills to be successful citizens, who are college and career ready.

Principal's Message

Principal Angela Trombley

Angela Trombley


Dear Franklin Academy Family,

With great pride and excitement, I address you as the Principal of Franklin Academy, a place I’ve called home for over 20 years. Having worked closely with juniors and seniors throughout my career, I’ve witnessed firsthand the incredible potential of our students as they prepare to step into the next chapters of their lives.

At Franklin Academy, we believe every student deserves an educational experience that equips them with knowledge and helps them discover their unique purpose and path in life. Whether that path leads to higher education, the workforce, the military, or any other calling, our mission is to ensure every student leaves our school prepared, confident, and inspired to build a bright future.

Our school community thrives because of our shared commitment to growth and excellence. Together, we are creating an environment where students feel enriched by opportunities, encouraged by a caring network of educators and peers, and supported in overcoming challenges. This is a community where everyone belongs and where every student’s journey is valued and celebrated.

I am honored to lead this incredible school alongside a dedicated team of faculty and staff who bring their passion and expertise to everything they do. Together with you—our parents, guardians, and community members—I am confident we can continue to nurture an atmosphere that empowers all our students to thrive.

As we look to the future, let us remember that education is not just about reaching a destination but embracing the journey. I invite you to join me in making Franklin Academy a place where potential is transformed into purpose and dreams are turned into reality.

Thank you for entrusting us with your children and being such an integral part of our shared success. Here's to another extraordinary year at Franklin Academy!

Assistant Principal

Assistant Principal Sarah Mosher

Sarah Mosher



Mission of the Franklin Academy PTO 

The Franklin Academy PTO is a collaborative partnership between parents, teachers, and administrators to ensure the quality of students’ high school experience. The PTO supports a variety of activities at Franklin Academy High School, and is present at such events as concerts, open house, and graduation.   

The Franklin Academy PTO meets the first Tuesday of each month at Franklin Academy High School in Room 113, unless otherwise announced on Parent Square. 

Watch for updates and information about Franklin Academy PTO on Parent Square!

FA Newsletter

PAWsitivity Committee