malone central school district huskies

Enrolling Your Child

Board Policy 7130 - Entitlement to Attend 

If you are planning on registering your child for enrollment in the Malone Central School District, it is now possible to complete the majority of the paperwork  completely online. Please follow the step-by-step instructions below to ensure you complete all necessary paperwork. Your child will not be able to start school until these forms are completed along with other required forms below. 

Please be sure you have a strong, stable internet connection  before completing the online forms.  If you have questions about the process, we ask that you contact our Enrollment Office at 518-483-7800 (option 2), or email Samantha Arnold,  


You have the option of enrolling your child online, or using paper forms. 

Click here for the Online Registration Form

If you would prefer to register your child using paper forms, please contact Samantha Arnold to arrange to pick them up at 518-483-7800 (option 2) or

Required Documentation

In addition to the required forms above, there are certain documents that are required in order for your child's enrollment to be finalized. Please see the section below entitled, "Submitting Forms & Documentation" for information on how to get these documents to us.

Birth Certificate

If your child has never been registered for school anywhere in the United States before, we will need a copy of their birth certificate to provide proof of age. If they have been registered in another school, we will receive that information from them.

Proof of Residency

In order to attend a school within the Malone Central School District, the child and parents' residence must be within our district boundaries. (For more information on those boundaries, please see >span class="C9DxTc ">.) In order for us to be assured that all our students live within our school district's lines, we require a Proof of Residency for any new student enrolling in Malone Central.

Proof of Residency includes:

  • Auto registration

  • Copy of utility bills

  • Tax statements

  • Check stubs from wages, public assistance or social security

  • Current rental/lease agreement with the following:

    • Parent/guardian and student names

    • Manager or owner name and telephone number

    • Written verification of current status (Does not include rented portions of a house or apartment or agreements formulated by relatives.)

  • Current property tax bill

  • Current homeowner's or renter's insurance bill

  • Current state or federal tax return

  • Current correspondence from an official government agency:

      • IRS/Social Security/Child Support/Foster Care

      • Voter Registration/Polling Information

      • Jury Summons/Subpoena

      • Any current document from federal, state or county agency

Proof of Immunization, Lead Screening (children under 6) & Physical Examination


As a new entrant, there are important immunization requirements that the New York State Department of Health mandates we have on record. You will find a list of the minimum requirements for entry to school on New York State Department of Health School Vaccination Requirements page

Parents of students enrolling are responsible for providing proof of immunizations. The following list identifies the acceptable forms of documentation:

  • A certificate from a physician, physician's assistant, or nurse practitioner.

  • A military dependent's shot record.

  • An immunization record card signed by a physician, physician's assistant, or nurse practitioner.

  • An immunization registry record.

>span class="C9DxTc ">If you are entering from within New York State, you have 14 calendar days to provide us with this information. If you are entering from another state, you have 30 days to provide us with the information. If we do not obtain the required immunization information within the specified time, your child will be excluded from school until such time as this information is provided.

Lead Screening

NYS Public Health Law requires school nurses to obtain proof that children under the age of six years have been screened for lead.

  • Please contact your child's physician to provide this information to the school nurse..

  • If you think your child has not been screened for lead or you are unsure if they have been screened, please contact your child's physician. (NYS Department of Health mandates lead screening for all children at age 1 year and again at age 2).

For further information from the CDC about lead poisoning in children, lead poisoning prevention, and the dangers and health risks of elevated blood lead levels, please click here.

Physical Examination

In addition, new entrants are required to have a physical examination within 30 days of the first day of attendance. This exam may be conducted by your family physician, pediatrician, or by the school physician. If your child has had a physical within the past 12 months, please contact your school nurse who will provide an appropriate form for your doctor to complete. Unless notified of other arrangements, your child will be scheduled to see the school physician.

A complete physical exam includes eyes, ears, throat, heart, lungs, hernia (boys), posture, and extremities. Please discuss the parts of the complete physical with your child to help prevent any misgivings about the school physical. Parents will be notified of any abnormalities.

Submitting Forms & Documentation

If you completed the online versions of the required forms, you do not need to submit hardcopies of the forms, but we will need the required documentation for age, proof of residency and immunizations. If you downloaded the forms and then filled them out, you will need to get those to us, as well as the required documentation detailed above.

  • >span class="C9DxTc ">You may mail forms and documentation to: Samantha Arnold, Malone Central School District, 22 Bus Garage Lane, Malone, NY 12953.

  • You may scan the forms and documents and send the digital files via email to Samantha Arnold,

  • You may drop them off at our transportation facility at 22 Bus Garage Lane in Malone. If you would like to do this, you need to call ahead to make an appointment. Call 518-483-7800, option 2. 

Optional Forms

These forms below need only be filled out if they apply to your child. They may be downloaded and filled out by hand.

Athletic Participation Form for Grades 6-12

Complete this form if your child is in grades 6-12 and plans on playing a sport. You may return the completed form to Reggie McDonald, Athletic Director either by mailing it to him at Franklin Academy, 42 Husky Lane, Malone, NY 12953, or by emailing it to him,

Migrant Education Program Surveys