Dear Malone Middle School Families,

The Malone Central School District was informed of a report regarding a recent social media concern. On Friday, April 26, Malone Middle School received reports of a potential threat of violence circulating on Snapchat directed towards a student. Assistant Principal Joey Santamoor promptly addressed the situation and conducted interviews with the students involved. As part of our protocol when receiving such information, the village police were contacted for assistance.

Upon further investigation, it has been determined that the alleged threat, which was made directly to a student via Snapchat, posed no credible danger to the safety of our students or staff. However, it appeared to have stemmed from a conversation about purchasing a novelty item. The individual who made the statement, having no affiliation with the Malone Central School District, seems to have no knowledge of the student's identity or whereabouts.

While this incident did not pose a threat to our school community, we took all reports seriously and notified local law enforcement as a precautionary measure. In conjunction with the local law enforcement, there will be a greater police presence throughout the district this week as a precautionary measure.

I want to thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we prioritize the safety and security of all MCSD students. Please continue to remain vigilant and report any concerns to school officials promptly.

Brandon J. Pelkey