Franklin Academy High School recently celebrated its first Annual Senior Graduates Parade, marking a memorable and heartwarming event for the entire school community. The parade provided an opportunity for the graduating seniors to reconnect with their roots and express gratitude to the educators and students who have been part of their journey.
The parade route included visits to St. Joseph's Elementary, Flanders Elementary, Davis Elementary, and Malone Middle School. At each stop, the seniors were warmly welcomed by staff and faculty, and they enjoyed visiting with current students, sharing their experiences and inspiring future graduates.
The event concluded with a final walkthrough at Franklin Academy, where the seniors were celebrated by the high school community. This inaugural parade not only honored the achievements of our graduating class but also reinforced the strong sense of community within the Malone Central School District.
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the Franklin Academy Class of 2024 and look forward to continuing this new tradition in the years to come.