Middle school students who participate in the positivity committee delivered over 400 non-perishable food items to the Centenary Methodist Church Soup Kitchen pose for a group picture.

The holiday season is a time for our students, faculty, and staff to come together and create lasting memories with each other and within the Malone community. 

We’re happy to share some of the ways each school participated in holiday festivities leading up to the winter break.

Davis Elementary

Davis Elementary students were treated to a singalong! 

PreK students posed with superintendent of schools, Brandon Pelkey, and Olaf.

Flanders Elementary

Flanders Elementary students hosted their winter concert on Dec. 11.

Their PTO held a movie night on Dec. 13.

St. Joseph’s Elementary

The winter concert happened on Dec. 12.

Santa visited the school on Dec. 19.

The Franklin Academy Spanish Club spread holiday cheer with a delightful performance of Christmas carols in Spanish.

Malone Middle School

Ms. Bruce, head of the Positivity committee, and the student-led Positivity committee completed a building-wide competition by grade level where they donated over 400 individual non-perishable food items to the Centenary Methodist Church Soup Kitchen. Pastor Rich Hanlon met with the students on Dec. 20 to collect all of the donations and provide a tour of the soup kitchen to the positivity students. 

Mrs. Onarati-Fakir’s fifth period Spanish class sang Feliz Navidad to the six grade lunch groups. They displayed their Spanish skills while bringing a little holiday cheer.

Franklin Academy

The winter concert occurred on Dec. 18. The smaller group is the treble chorus and the larger group is the mixed chorus. They performed two songs as the combined chorus.

On Dec. 20, students enjoyed festive activities at their holiday extravaganza.


Brian Searles, a bus driver within the district, dressed as Santa.